Enrica Boda
Professore/Professoressa associato/a
- Dipartimento di Neuroscienze "Rita Levi Montalcini"
- SSD: BIO/16 - anatomia umana
- ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-1006-2577

- 011 6706615
- enrica.boda@unito.it
- Department of Neuroscience Rita Levi Montalcini
Neuroscience Institute Cavalieri Ottolenghi (NICO)
University of Turin
Regione Gonzole 10
10043 Orbassano (TO)
ITALY - https://medchirurgia.campusnet.unito.it/do/docenti.pl/Show?_id=eboda
- VCard contatti
- Department of Neurosciences "Rita Levi Montalcini"
- Dipartimento di Neuroscienze "Rita Levi Montalcini"
- Biotechnology for Neuroscience
- Corsi di studio in
Farmacia - Chimica e tecnologia farmaceutiche - Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Biotecnologie Mediche - Classe LM-9
- Laurea Magistrale in Medicina e Chirurgia - sede di Torino
- Scuola di Specializzazione in Fisica Medica
- PhD in Complex Systems for Quantitative Biomedicine
Curriculum vitae

Prodotti della ricerca selezionati
Boda E, Lorenzati M, Parolisi R, Harding B, Pallavicini G, Bonfanti L, Moccia A, Bielas S, Di Cunto F, Buffo A. (2022) Molecular and functional heterogeneity in dorsal and ventral oligodendrocyte progenitor cells of the mouse forebrain in response to DNA damage. Nature communications 13(1) 2331 [DOI PMID]
Parolisi R, Montarolo F, Pini A, Rovelli S, Cattaneo A, Bertolotto A, Buffo A, Bollati V, Boda E. (2021) Exposure to fine particulate matter (PM2.5) hampers myelin repair in a mouse model of white matter demyelination. Neurochemistry international 104991 [DOI PMID]
Lorenzati M, Boda E, Parolisi R, Bonato M, Borsello T, Herdegen T, Buffo A, Vercelli A. (2021) c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1 (JNK1) modulates oligodendrocyte progenitor cell architecture, proliferation and myelination. Scientific reports 11(1) 7264 [DOI PMID]
Marangon D, Boda E, Parolisi R, Negri C, Giorgi C, Montarolo F, Perga S, Bertolotto A, Buffo A, Abbracchio MP, Lecca D (2020) In vivo silencing of miR‐125a‐3p promotes myelin repair in models of white matter demyelination. Glia 68:2001-2014 https://doi.org/10.1002/glia.23819
Boda E, Rigamonti AE, Bollati V. (2020) Understanding the effects of air pollution on neurogenesis and gliogenesis in the growing and adult brain. Current opinion in pharmacology 50 61-66 [DOI PMID]
Boda E. (2019) Myelin and oligodendrocyte lineage cell dysfunctions: New players in the etiology and treatment of depression and stress-related disorders. The European journal of neuroscience [DOI PMID]
Parolisi R, Boda E. (2018) NG2 glia: novel roles beyond re-/myelination. Neuroglia, 1(1), 11. https://doi.org/10.3390/neuroglia1010011
Kempf A, Boda E, Kwok JCF, Fritz R, Grande V, Kaelin AM, Ristic Z, Schmandke A, Schmandke A, Tews B, Fawcett JW, Pertz O, Buffo A, Schwab ME. (2017) Control of Cell Shape, Neurite Outgrowth, and Migration by a Nogo-A/HSPG Interaction. Developmental cell 43(1) 24-34.e5 [DOI PMID]
Boda E, Nato G, Buffo A. (2017) Emerging pharmacological approaches to promote neurogenesis from endogenous glial cells. Biochemical pharmacology 141 23-41 [DOI PMID]
Boda E, Di Maria S, Rosa P, Taylor V, Abbracchio MP, Buffo A. (2015) Early phenotypic asymmetry of sister oligodendrocyte progenitor cells after mitosis and its modulation by aging and extrinsic factors. Glia 63(2) 271-86 [DOI PMID]
Boda E, Buffo A. (2014) Beyond cell replacement: unresolved roles of NG2-expressing progenitors. Frontiers in neuroscience 8 122 [DOI PMID]
Rolando C, Parolisi R, Boda E, Schwab ME, Rossi F, Buffo A. (2012) Distinct roles of Nogo-a and Nogo receptor 1 in the homeostatic regulation of adult neural stem cell function and neuroblast migration. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 32(49) 17788-99 [DOI PMID]
Rolando C, Boda E, Buffo A (2012). Immune system modulation of parenchymal and germinal neural progenitor cells in physiological and pathological conditions, In: Sun Tao. Neural Stem Cells and Therapy. p. 413-440, 51000 RIJEKA:InTech, ISBN: 9789533079585 (Book chapter)
Boda E, Vigano F, Rosa P, Fumagalli M, Labat-Gest V, Tempia F, Abbracchio MP, Dimou L, Buffo A. (2011) The GPR17 receptor in NG2 expressing cells: focus on in vivo cell maturation and participation in acute trauma and chronic damage. Glia 59(12) 1958-73 [DOI PMID]
Ceruti S, Vigano F, Boda E, Ferrario S, Magni G, Boccazzi M, Rosa P, Buffo A, Abbracchio MP. (2011) Expression of the new P2Y-like receptor GPR17 during oligodendrocyte precursor cell maturation regulates sensitivity to ATP-induced death. Glia 59(3) 363-78 [DOI PMID]
- Anatomia Umana (Farmacia) (FAR0048)
Corsi di studio in
Farmacia - Chimica e tecnologia farmaceutiche - Anatomia umana II (canale B) (SME0718)
Laurea Magistrale in Medicina e Chirurgia - sede di Torino - Anatomia umana I (canale A) (SME0714)
Laurea Magistrale in Medicina e Chirurgia - sede di Torino - Anatomia umana I (canale B) (SME0714)
Laurea Magistrale in Medicina e Chirurgia - sede di Torino - Neuroanatomy and neural development (NEU0265)
Biotechnology for Neuroscience - Neuronatomy (NEU0265A)
Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Biotecnologie Mediche - Classe LM-9
Temi di ricerca
Gruppi di ricerca
Attività in agenda
Ricevimento studenti
Ricevimento studenti: please write to enrica.boda@unito.it to set an appointment